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An interview is a precious opportunity to meet directly with the hiring company, and appeal to them the skills and experiences that you possess. The fact that the company has asked to interview you is proof, at the very least, they have some interest in employing you. Show up for the interview well prepared so that you will not be passive and seize the opportunity to sell yourself to the utmost in the short amount of time provided.


There are various reasons to why one may be late. You may not have researched how to get there thoroughly, or you may not have checked the parking situation or traffic times. However, not a single excuse can justify your tardiness. Make sure you leave with ample time so that you can get there 30 minutes early. The merit of getting there early is so you will be calm and appear confident at the interview.

The interview is the first business meeting between the client company and the candidate. Your attire should reflect cleanliness and proper business manners are a must. Avoid bringing flashy items with you.

If you only have a vague idea about the position, type of job or company that has requested an interview, your eagerness may not be received. At the very least, do a little research by reading their website and/or do your homework regarding what their management principles and company culture is like.


Enter the room with confidence and while engaging in eye contact, clearly express your appreciation for having been given the opportunity for an interview.

The questions asked at the interview do not necessary test whether or not you know the right answers. What they may be testing are, is how eager you are to work for their company. While speaking of some of your experiences, answer in concrete detail what job area you would be able to contribute in, and by so doing, relay your eagerness to them.

Please remember to turn your cell phone off while you are at the interviewing site. Please note that putting your cell phone on vibrate can still be heard by the interviewer.


After the interview, as soon as you can, send a thank you letter to the interviewer and head of personnel. Email is acceptable, but a hand-written letter would be the best. The important thing is that you will be solidifying your willingness with the follow-up.

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