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Aviation Department Manager  (46021-5)

Ԅ Assist Senior Manager to manage the Operation Control Team.

Ԅ Ensure that the duties of the Operation Control Team is properly completed.

Ԅ Ensure internal policies and procedures are adhered to by the team.

Ԅ Provide the assistance to other teams for their smooth sales activities.

Ԅ Train team staffs and set goals to improve their performance.

Ԅ Investigate and develop the better infrastructure including IT system

詳細情報Job Detail

Job Category Other
Position Aviation Department Manager
Job Order # 46021-5
Salary Manager
Working Location El Segundo
Hours 9-5
Days M-F
Bonus y
Parking Yes
Medical Yes
Dental Yes
Holiday y
Sick Leave y
Vision Yes
401K y
Profit Sharing TBA
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